TESOL国际英语教师专业标准 TESOL English Teacher Professional Standards
作者:Alysia Roehrig博士 Dr. Michael Pressley〔《教育心理学:学习、教学和评价》 (Educational psychology: Learning, instruction, assessment的作者)〕关门弟子 美国佛罗里达州大学(University of Florida)博士生导师 教育心理与学习设计系教授 教育心理与教师专业化研究室主任
译者:黄树生博士 江南大学教授 无锡市教育研究中心研究员
Standard I: Knowledge of Students了解学生 Teachers understand their students’ knowledge, skills, interests, and values.教师了解学生的知识、技能、兴趣、价值观 (1)Understanding and Appreciating the Diverse Ways Students Grow and Develop了解和欣赏学生成长和发展的多元方式 (2)Forming Constructive Relationships with Students与学生建立建设性的关系 (3)Observing Students Insightfully洞察性地观察学生
Standard II: Knowledge of Language and Language Development 了解语言和语言的发展 Teachers are models of language proficiency in English. Understand the process by which students acquire both their native and English languages. Know how to develop instructional strategies and to modify the curriculum as necessary to accommodate the needs of students.教师是熟练运用英语的典范。了解学生习得母语和英语的过程,知道如何发展教学策略,调整课程,满足学生需要。 • (1) Understanding First and Second Language Acquisition了解学生习得母语和英语的过程 • (2) Understanding Language and Literacy Development了解语言和读写能力的发展
Standard III: Knowledge of Culture and Diversity 了解文化和多元性 • Teachers are knowledgeable about and sensitive to the dynamics of culture in general and to their students’ cultures in particular, which enables them to understand their students and structure a successful academic experience for them.教师了解文化的共性和学生背景文化的特性,促进教师对学生的了解,为学生提供成功学业经验 • (1) Understanding Culture and Valuing Diversity理解文化和评价多元性 • (2) Culture and Schooling文化和就学
Standard IV: Knowledge of Subject Matter 对学科知识的了解
Teachers draw on a comprehensive command of subject matter of English of instruction to establish goals, design curricula and instruction, and facilitate student learning. They do so in a manner that builds on students’ linguistic and cultural diversity.教师根据学生的语言基础和文化多元性,综合运用英语教学的学科知识确定教学目标,设计课程和教学,促进学生学习。 • (1) Understanding Subject Matter and Content-Specific Pedagogy了解学科和专项内容的教学法 • (2) Combining Subject-Matter Knowledge with Knowledge about Language Concept Acquisition to Make Sound Curricular Decisions.将学科知识与语言习得结合起来制定完善的课程决策 Standard V: Meaningful Learning有意义学习
• Teachers use a variety of approaches that allow students to confront, explore, and understand important and challenging concepts, topics, and issues in meaningful ways.教师运用各种途径使学生用有意义的方式接触、探究和理解重要的、富有挑战性概念、话题和问题 (1)Selecting Worthwhile Topics for Study选择值得学习的话题 (2) Building Student Capacity to Learn, Apply Knowledge, and Act Independently.构建学生学习、运用知识和独立行动的能力 (3) Viewing Students as Resources.将学生视作资源 (4) Working Successfully with Children with Exceptional Needs成功地与特殊需要儿童一起学习
Standard VI: Multiple Paths to Knowledge学习知识的多元通道
Teachers provide multiple paths to help students develop language proficiency.为学生提供语言学习的多元途径 (1) Developing Instructional Strategies to Promote Language Development开发各种教学策略 (2) Integrating Language and Content整合语言和内容 (3) Appropriate Language Choice and Use合适的语言选择与运用 (4) Creating Instructional Tasks That Respond to Both the Commonalities and Differences among Learners创造适合一般与个性的教学任务 (5) Providing Students with Multiple Perspectives 为学生提供多元视角 (6) Creating a Language and Literacy-Rich Environment提供丰富的语言和读写环境 (7) Using Time Efficiently and Adjusting Plans as Circumstances Dictate有效使用语言,根据情况调整计划
Standard VII: Instructional Resources教学资源
• Teachers select, adapt, create, and use rich and varied resources.教师选择、调整、创造和使用丰富多彩的资源 (1) Developing a Diverse Resource Base开发多员资源库 (2) Promoting Language and Literacy Development促进语言和读写发展 (3) Creating a Culturally Responsive Curriculum创造符合文化背景的课程 (4) Utilizing Community Resources使用社区资源
Standard VIII: Learning Environment 学习环境 • Teachers establish a caring, inclusive, safe, and linguistically and culturally rich community of learning where students take intellectual risks and work both independently and collaboratively.教师创设一个关心的、融合的、安全的丰富文化和语言学习社区,供学生独立和合作性地学习 (1) Creating a Positive Classroom Environment创设积极的教师环境 (2) Addressing Disciplinary Problems Effectively有效解决学科问题 (3) Encouraging the Development of Sound Social and Ethical Values鼓励健全的社会和伦理价值观的发展
Standard IX: Assessment 评价
• Teachers employ a variety of assessment methods to obtain useful information about student learning and development and to assist students in reflecting on their own Progress.教师使用各种评价方法获取学生学习和发展的有用信息,促进学生反思自己的进步 (1) Employing a Variety of Assessment Methodologies使用各种评价方法 (2) Assessing for a Variety of Purposes为各种目的进行评价 (3) Helping Students Become Adept at Self-Assessment帮助学生学会自我评价 (4) Providing Substantive Feedback to Students为学生提供足够的反馈 (5) Language Proficiency Assessment语言熟练程度评价 (6) Using Assessment to Guide Practice使用评价引导实践 (7) Assessment for Special Purposes为特殊目的而评价 (8) Providing Substantive Communication to Parents 与家长和足够交流
Standard X: Reflective Practice 反思实践 • Teachers regularly analyze, evaluate, and strengthen the effectiveness and quality of their practice.教师定期分析、评价和强化他们实践的有效性和高质量 (1) Evaluating Results and Seeking Input Systematically from a Variety of Sources从各种资源评价效果,系统寻求输入途径 (2) Reflecting on One’s Own Point of View反思个人的观点 (3) Professional Growth and Development专业化成长和发展
Standard XI: Linkages with Families 与家长联系
• Teachers create linkages with families that enhance the educational experience of their students.教师与家长保持联系,提升学生的教育经历 (1) Communication with Families与家庭沟通 (2) Capitalizing on Parents’ and Guardians’ Insights运用家长和监护人的观点 (3) Cultivating Families’ Interest in Supporting Their Children’s Education培育家庭支持儿童教育的兴趣
Standard XII: Professional Leadership 专业化引领 • Teachers contribute to the growth and development of their colleagues, their school, and the advancement of knowledge in their field.教师致力于同事、学校的成长与发展以及自身领域知识的提升 (1) Collaborating with Colleagues与同事合作 (2) Advocating for Students激励学生 (3) Contributing to the Advancement of the Profession致力于专业提升 (4) Involving Themselves in Curricular Decisions参与课程决策